Friday, November 27, 2009


I think I have been doing a good job at being patient re: waiting for my invite. Reassuring myself that I am a great candidate - not only no medical problems but two grad degrees, 15 years of full-time work experience, did well on the French proficiency exam, etc. Trying to remind myself of how busy the Africa "desk" has been, what with pulling people out of Guinea, reassigning them, re-opening Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Madagascar. Reminding myself that I am not at the top of their priority pile, even if they are on the top of mine.

I'm getting frustrated.

Today I found out that another person with the exact same nomination as I have got a call on Wednesday - saw it on her blog (Mazel Tov Katy!). So I called my Placement and Assessment Assistant to check in on the status of my application. And found out that my Placement Specialist (aka Placement Officer) has been "unexpectedly out of the office for the past two weeks." Hmm. I told her I hope everything was okay with this person, but also mentioned how I thought she had called Katy the other day (I later found out that Katy was called by a different P.O. - somehow her file got transferred) and how I looked forward to hearing from her early next week.

No, she said. I should not expect to hear from her within the near future - not within the next three weeks.


I pointed out that we are bumping up against the deadline for me to get an invite for a February departure. She then told me that if "I" missed the deadline, they would consider me for another position.

Wait a minute. If I missed the deadline? I've made all of their deadlines, with plenty of time to spare. I pointed this out and she clarified - if I did not get an invite in time. She also mentioned that they tend to go in order of when a person was medically cleared, and that may be why the other person got the invite already and I did not.

Now, wait a minute. I was medically cleared two weeks before said other person (Katy). But again, this was before I found out that it was another P.O. that called Katy.

She (Placement Assistant) assured me that my file was still "actively being considered" and that she would leave a note for the P.O. that I had called to check in.

So I'm frustrated. I feel utterly and totally powerless - I have done all they asked and been patient, waiting while other people with later nomination dates have gotten their invites. I feel like the Placement Assistant was not telling me something, and it is really heard to just keep waiting when "I" may miss the deadline for getting an invite - there must be something I can do?

I found a number for the Placement Manager on the PC Wiki and left that person a message. I am hoping that he will call me back on Monday...because I would really like to know whether I will be getting an invite for February, or if I need to change my plans because it will be delayed.


  1. Hello! My name is Justine...and I am in EXACTLY the same boat as you! It has been about three weeks since I was medically cleared, and my close of invitation in the second week of December! Unfortuanetly, still no contact. It is so frustrating because I know of at least ten other people that have already been invited! How did you find out who your placement officer is? Or did he contact you before?

  2. My nomination isn't until March, but I definitely understand how frustrating waiting can be. I got medically cleared Oct. 29. Nov. 5 I got an email from the placement office asking for an updated resume. Last week I got a form response saying I could expect to hear something by at least mid-Feb. I've been really patient up to this point, but the excitement is starting to kill me. I've tried to occupy myself by making a packing list and learning Russian...but I really want that invite!!!

  3. Hi, Karin -- I subscribe to PC Journals, as my daughter is a PCV in Senegal. I was reading your blog, saw your pic and realized, "Hey, I know this person!" I was in your Intro to Judaism class, and I attend a lot of classes and events at Temple.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say I think it's so cool that you're doing this (I could use a "reset" myself) and I hope the PC comes through for you soon. Sounds like delays and bureaucracy are common, from what I've heard.

    My daughter left for Senegal in August (agroforestry.) Perhaps you will be there, too! Godspeed, and next time I see you at Temple, I'll come say hello.

  4. To Julima - The Placement and Assessment Assistant told me who my Placement Officer is (They call them Placement Specialists). Apparently she has been out of the office for the past two plus weeks. Katy, the other person I refer to in the post, also had the same P.O. and somehow her file made it to a different one, and she got a call last week. Katy and I had the exact same nomination.

    After I wrote this I figured "enough of this" and found the number for a "Placement Manager," called, and left him a voice mail. I will try calling again on Monday because like I said, that's enough of this. I did everything right and if someone is out of the office, I should not be punished as a result.

  5. hey karin!

    i totally feel your pain. i was actually just nominated in september after pretty much giving up hope. a friend who is currently serving gave me the advice to keep sending updated resume info- a class you took, a skill you acquired, a promotion/side project you took on in your current job or hobby, etc- seriously anything! this advice was also given to me by a woman at the EMA desk when i called.

    anyway hand to god, the day after i sent in an updated resume i was invited. now, that might have been chance (probably was), but i think there is something to be said about keeping your name at the top of the pile. also, i didn't have much contact with my PO, i just tried to be really nice to the people answering the various desk phones and ask sincere questions...

    my friend who is currently serving said that you have to be pushy- she said "listen, i have other offers and if i don't hear by such and such date i am going to have to pursue other options." i don't know that i could have been that brash, but it worked for her.

    all of this is to say that i waited for a really long time and felt super frustrated, and i really hope it works out for you!

  6. Karin,

    I am going through the same thing roughly and I leave in January. It would be nice if PC clears me for then after all the hurdles of this and that and losing my paperwork (PCMO is sloppy!). I am resending forms on Monday and I sure hope that A. They don't lose them again, and B. I make the cut for a January invite. This process has been like jumping through firey hoops.. it's inane!
